Hello ,
This weekend, I powerwashed our porch and sidewalk. I don't think I've ever done that before, but I'll definitely do it again.
I've been thinking about the things we're all doing that are new.
I hear from friends who are cooking more (or at all), dusting off sewing machines and knitting needles, and tackling home improvement projects that have been at the bottom of the list for years. Others are deeply engaged in their children's schooling, learning to use video conferencing apps for celebrations and reunions, exercising outdoors, and spending quality time - reading, playing, and just talking - with family.
Your Library is learning new ways of doing things too. Streaming events and programs have become the norm, and the calendar is full and interesting. Organizations around the country are reaching out to one another to brainstorm together, developing relationships that I hope will last. We're all learning together.
I hope a lot of what we're learning now will stay with us when this pandemic is far behind us. The new normal may not look quite like the old normal - but maybe it will be better.
Thank you for supporting your Library and one another. Keep learning, and stay well.
Jenni Gaisbauer, CFRE Executive Director