Hello ,
I'm typically on the go. I run from meeting to meeting, work long days in the office and frequently cap the day with an evening event.
But these aren't typical times. I'm writing this from my home, and many of you will read it from yours. Library branches are currently closed, offering online services only. Our Foundation staff is working remotely while caring for families and neighbors and following recommendations to stay healthy.
Libraries are about connection, and our mission is to improve lives and build a stronger community. What does this mean when we have to stay apart?
Social distancing may actually bring us closer, as we each put the good of our community first. Closing schools, libraries, and postponing events are difficult decisions we're all making to protect the most vulnerable among us. We're using technology not to isolate, but to reconnect - to continue to work and study together, check on one another, and obtain the information and support we all need.
We'd love to know what you and your family are doing to stay engaged and connected from home - if you'd like to share, please complete this form.
I hope things will return to normal soon but for now, let's make the most of this reprieve from our normal pace, appreciate the connections we have, and continue to take care of one another.
Stay well,
Jenni Gaisbauer, CFRE Executive Director